Ujian Sekolah : March 27-end
Ujian Nasional : April 18-21
i have a master degree in music, but i still feel that music is my master and i'm the slave of music
One addition this year is the Moe Moe Kyun Meido cafe. It is a good idea although I didn’t try it out as I find the prices of the food a tad too expensive for me. Probably would have been good for the experience, but oh well.
As like last year, one of the attraction of the festival is the anime concert. The theme this year is I Live Anisong and the organizers invited a strong cast for the concert this year with the likes of Ichirou Mizuki, Yoshiki Fukuyama, May-N and Shoko Nakagawa, a.k.a. Shoko-tan, and not forgetting Hatsune Miku. But poor me have no money to attend.
I did however, manage to catch Shoko-tan in person during her autograph session.
It was really tough jostling with so many people around trying to take photos of her and the security guards looking to push everyone away…LOL… I manage a few shots eventually though they didn’t turn out very well. >_<>
There were plenty of live stage events throughout the two days event though. And kudos to the organizer, I feel that the live stage was a big improvement from last year with bigger arena and better content.
Sorry, I just had to post that last Gundam cosplayer … LOL … I guess some cosplayers are hit hard by the economic crisis. ^^” Anyway, jokes aside, while it was hilarious, I thought it took a lot of courage to do something like that knowing that you will probably end up as a joke.
Due to the limitation of the exhibition arena, the cosplayers actually spilled over and started to gather at the level 3 foyer where there was huge space. Needless to say, it was also swarmed with photographers. Thus, it was really hard to make eye contact with the cosplayers when taking the photos. It is especially so for my point and shoot camera to jostle for attention against the DSLRs. ^^” That said, many of them did try to make as eye contact with as many photographers as possible.
There were many K-ON cosplayers, as well as Sheryl Nome and Ranka cosplayers. My favorite of the lots this year would be the Black Rock Shooter cosplayers. Their cosplay were all really great and it must have took them ages to do the gigantic Black Cannon.
Overall, I thought the event was pretty good and probably slightly better than last year. I just wish that more space could have been allocated to the exhibition arena. And hopefully, next year, maybe more figure exhibitors and makers like Alter would be invited. And of course more idols and seiyuus. Onegai shimasu.
Musik sejak zaman dahulu telah disadari manusia sebagai suatu keajaiban. Hampir semua manusia tergerak olehnya. Nada dan irama telah juga menjadi bagian dari diri manusia, bunyi-bunyian alam, denyut kehidupan, dan alam semesta. Bahkan ada yang mengklaim bahwa manusia adalah musik, semesta adalah musik.
Maka dari itu pada halaman-halaman blog ini, kita akan mencoba mengeksplorasi keajaiban musik, keajaiban manusia, dan keagungan Tuhan. Eksplorasi itu dapat melalui review musik, kritik musik, baik dari kritikus maupun dari seorang pendengar awam, dan tentu dari komentar-komentar pembaca.
Sungguh saya berharap blog ini menjadi titik bangkitnya jurnalisme musik klasik di bumi Nusantara Indonesia. Dan juga sebagai titik bangkitnya perkembangan musik klasik di Indonesia.
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Makna yang tersebunyi di dalam hati…
Mengapa musik menjadi bagian dari alam kesadaran kita…
Mengapa kita sebagai manusia tergerak olehnya…
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