i have a master degree in music, but i still feel that music is my master and i'm the slave of music

♫Indonesia - A Touch of Harmony♫ - Twilite Orchestra, conducted by Addie MS. July 21, 2009. Concert Hall-SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE. Featuring: Twilite Chorus & Sydney CIC Choir. Binu D. Sukaman, soprano. Utha Likumahuwa. Levi Gunardi & Johannes S. Nugroho, pianos. Stephen Smith, tenor. Jessica Mauboy (Australian Idol).

Addie M.S with Condector Before Concert ( Gladi )

before and after Concert . Levi , ? , Addie M.S and

Tristan , Memes Adisaputre , Alex , Addie M.S , Pradityo H.P , Johannes S.N , Levi Gunardi
Addie MS and Twilite Orchestra w/ Catholic Indonesian Community Choir.
Special documenting this event.
GREAT PERFORMANCE ! good looking :)
Special documenting this event.
GREAT PERFORMANCE ! good looking :)