Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Piano Sonata op.14 Moonlight

it's not bad.....but you really should tune it tho...I like it!just work a liiiiitle bit on your dynamics...At 1:17,you shouldn't mute the B there...good performance
Not rumors; he did play several pieces for Mozart in Vienna, at about 1778

Yeah, correct. May they forever rest in peace, their music will live forever be remembered. I hope Beethoven hear in heaven ;)... and Mozart.. he's probably at his no. 3800 symphony or something ;P
High in the clouds, playing the piano

I think he died BEFORE Beethoven got back to Bonn, I can't remember, but Mozart had died by the time Beethoven was able to go back to Vienna. Still, Mozart influenced Beethoven, and that is forever. Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Handel, Vivaldi and all the other composers of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods...their music is forever

Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

^ Merdeka ^

Independence Day in Indonesian

Horray, lucky for me!
I remember viewing fireworks for the Indonesian Independence Day in Batam

So what about Independence Day in Indonesia?
It's much more interesting I've ever experienced

it's a flag of Indonesia, Red and White
MERDEKA ! Dulu, kata itu sering diucap dengan penuh semangat oleh rakyat Indonesia .
Apalagi , saat Indonesia meraih Kemerdekaan pada 17 Agustus 1945. Di mana-mana orang meneriakkan kata MERDEKA !! .Dengan rasa bangga ,senang ,puas ,bersyukur .. campur aduk jadi satu . Ya,berkat perjuangan para pahlawan kita ,Bangsa Indonesia bisa Merdeka .
Sekarang ,kita tinggal mengisi kemerdekaan itu dengan bertanggung jawab .

Independence Day Ceremony in the morning
August 17 th 1945-2009

It means Independent

Scene of traditional games Indonesians like to play in the Independence Day.
It's fun!!

Makan kerupuk = Eating kerupuk .jaah~~

Deeliciousy wrote Conversation :

Q : Kenapa setiap 17 Agustus ada lomba ini yah? (Why is this race held in each 17th August?)
A : Udah tradisi mungkin (Maybe because it's a tradition)
Q : Tapi kenapa makannya makan kerupuk? (But why eat kerupuk?)
A : Muraaahh !! (Cheaaappp !!)

(Pertanyaan bodoh dan jawabannya sotoy) - (Stupid question and stupid (???) answer)
hahaaa :Plol

Panjat Pinang
Climbing the pinang
Pinang is a name of tree, some kind of palm
People climb an oiled stick


17 AGUSTUS 1945 -17 AGUSTUS 2009

we love Indonesian

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

check up for healthbase

Raffles Hospital , Singapore

Raffles Medical Group a leading private healthcare provider in Singapore
Raffles Hospital offers a full range of specialist , medical ,and diagnostic services

the patients center

24 Hours about there

Raffles Medical Clinic

Raffles Specialist Center

*Aesthestic Center
*cancer center
*Dental specialist Center
*ENT center
*Eye Center
*Fertility Center
* Heart Center (*)
*Physiotherapy Center
*Internal Medhicine Center
*Japanese Clinic ,etc


adalah peradangan pada sel-sel hati. Virus merupakan penyebab hepatitis yang paling sering,terutama virus hepatitis A,B,C,D dan E. Pada umumnya penderita hepatitis A & E dapat sembuh, sebaliknya B & C dapat menjadi kronis. Virus hepatits D hanya dapat menyerang penderita yang telah terinfeksi virus hepatitis B dan dapat memperparah keadaan penderita.

Pemeriksaan laboratorium diperlukan untuk memastikan diagnosis hepatitis karena penderita hepatitis sering tidak bergejala atau tidak gejala tidak khas.

Pemeriksaan untuk hepatitis Akut :
- Enzim GOT, GPT
- Penanda hepatitis A (Anti Hav IgM)
- Penanda hepatitis B (HGsAg, Anti HBC IgM)
- Penanda hepatitis C (Anti HCV, HCV RNA)
- Penanda hepatitis E (Anti HEV IgM)

Pemeriksaan untuk hepatitis kronis :
- Enzim GOT,GPT
- Penanda hepatitis B (HBsAg,HBe, Anti HBc, Anti HBe, HBV DNA)
- Penanda hepatis C (Anti HCV,HCV RNA)

Penanda imunitas :
- Anti HAV
- Anti HBs

Kanker hati tejadi apabila sel kanker berkembang pada jaringan hati. Kanker hati yang banyak terjadi adalah Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HCC merupakan komplikasi akhir yang serius dari hepatitiskronis, terutama sirosis yang terjadi karena virus hepatitis B,C dan hemochromatosis.
Pemeriksaan untuk mendeteksi kanker hati : AFP, PIVKA II

Tips Bagi penderita penyakit hati :
1. Diet seimbang
Jumlah kalori yang dibutuhkan sisesuaikan dengan tinggi badan, berat badan, dan aktivitas. pada keadaan tertentu diperlukan diet rendah kalori.
2. Banyak makan sayur dan buah serta melakukan aktivitas sesuai kemampuan untuk mencegah sembelit.
3. Menjalankan pola hidup yang teratur.
4. Konsultasi dengan dokter anda.
Healthbase and Healthcare

Mestakung ++

on the 12 of August 2009, I and my friends ,Karra and sarah join a workshop that the name is Mestakung Workshop from Prof. Yohannes Surya, Ph.D in Aryaduta Hotel and Convention Center ,Palembang

is alaM sEmeSTA menduKUNG
n that workshop, Yohannes Surya telled us about how to be a winner

i'm with karra and sarah :)

in this moment .ahahah :p

we are with Prof . Yohanes Surya ,Ph.D

he can do very difficult job with a good effort from his self to bring Indonesia as the winner of Physics World Olympiad at 2006
he loves this country ,Indonesian

Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

the heart of worship :)

When the music fades and all is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring something that's of worth
That will bless Your heart

I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You
All about You
I'm sorry, Lord, for the things I've made it
When it's all about You
All about You

your of endless worth, no one could express
How much You deserve
Though I'm weak and poor, all I have is Yours
Every single breath
